"While our world keeps hoping for peace through man’s solutions, we know the only source of lasting unity is Jesus Christ." Dr. Charles Stanley

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


It's funny how a "snow day" means something different to everyone. For parents it means coming up with fun activities to do inside and/or bundling the kids up to play outside. A little out of the ordinary of "normal routine" but fun none the less. For kids it means a break from school work and a day to have fun! For teachers it means an unexpected break. I can see the appeal ;-) We are on our second snow day of the season but 4th snowfall all together. It has ranged from over 12 inches, to as little as a couple inches with an added layer of freezing rain. That is the case today..very dangerous out there.
While the kids and I are all cozy inside I think about all those people that got up and either went to plow or headed to their every day jobs that were not off. I give them all so much credit and have prayed for safety when driving. Last year at this time my husband was unemployed..tough times but I remember loving snow days because he was able to be home with us. He is always the one to bundle up and play outside with the kids for hours. They would make the biggest snowman! I of course had half my body inside the door while poking my head out to take pictures, haha. Had to have memories of the occasion. This year I am thankful he has a job but have found myself thinking "I wish Andy was home today" because in reality I do but last year all I remembered saying was "I wish Andy could get a job." Of course he was doing all he could last year to find one but you know..its the wife's job to worry ;-) Although last winter season and this winter are different, I'm thankful for what has been and become. I'm grateful to have had that extra time as a family last year and this year blessed that Andy has such a great job with an amazing boss. As times and seasons change in our lives it is important to take time to look back, reflect and see just how far you have come. If you are reading this and on the other side of the job situation, meaning right now you are without one, let me encourage you to stay positive. It is very hard, I know, but God has a purpose and plan. If you work hard at looking for something and apply everywhere, something will come in His perfect time. It is in the toughest times that we draw close to Him and have to rely heavily on Him for strength. We do not know why we go through certain "seasons" of life but looking back and reflecting I know last year there was a purpose for what we went through.
So whether you are home under a blanket, playing games with your kids on the floor, or off at work today enjoy whatever it is you are doing b/c we never know what tomorrow will bring. Lastly, I just want to add, If you need prayer for anything at all please let me know! That is one of the reasons I'm here :-)


  1. Darea,
    I don't think I knew you guys went through that. Good for both of you for staying so positive and getting through it. Great first posts!!

  2. Just don't ask Darea to pray for an "unspoken request" because she will call you everyday and ask you for a hint!! Love you Deeka and so proud of you for being such a faithful wife, mother, sister, and friend! You are an inspiration to us all!!!

  3. Haha Joy! I just do that to you, no one else. Feel special ;-)Thanks again for all your support and encouragement. Not just with the blog but always.

  4. Good post! I DO enjoy Paul being home when he is. In fact when we first moved here and he was out of work from June - September I remember telling him in a weird way it's a gift because not many people get to be together (or want to be lol) every day like that! I love that he is home for lunch and here and there between looking for jobs etc.
