"While our world keeps hoping for peace through man’s solutions, we know the only source of lasting unity is Jesus Christ." Dr. Charles Stanley

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Prayers of a child

Often we hear people say things like "you are in my thoughts and prayers" or "I'm praying for you" when someone is going through a hard time. How often though do we actually stop and pray for that person and what they are dealing with? I'm guilty too so don't get me wrong here. I try my best to stop at that moment I say it or write it and pray but not always the case. Lately, I've been watching my two kids in this area and their little hearts bring me back to just how I need to be more on point so to speak with praying when I say I will be or see the need.

One of Joshua's PE teachers at school got very hurt, needed surgery and will be out for the school year. This isn't even his teacher for the class but he knew about the injury. One morning Joshua came over to me to and said " You know mom, last night I stayed up late after you put me to bed and do you want to know why?" Immediately I thought, he was playing with Lego's or some sort of toy but replied with "what" and waiting for his response. I was shocked with his answer. "I was praying for Mr. Newell. I know he is very hurt and I just want him to get better." Never would I have thought my almost 7 year old would be staying up late b/c his heart was heavy for a teacher at his school. It amazes me that after a long exhausting day this is what my son is doing late at night. Melts my heart..I can't imagine what it did to God's!

Then yesterday Joshua got hurt in PE class at school and ended up getting a fat lip. He's completely fine and his school nurse even had him call me after it happened to tell me the whole story along with that he was okay. When he got in the car after school, he showed Gianna and do you know what she did...she immediately closed her eyes, folded her hands, bowed her head and prayed for God to make Joshua's lip all better. She is 3 1/2! How innocent and sweet she is to show her brother love in such a way.Again, in awe of the actions of my little ones.

My kids seem to not think twice about praying. These are just two of many examples I could give you. They hear or see a need and they just DO! I'm ashamed to say that I don't stop immediately with that friend that is hurting and pray or get on my knees when I know I need to. I'm not saying I don't pray, that isn't what I'm talking about here. I'm talking about praying as our first response..not a last resort. No person will ever give you the response you need like you will get from our Lord. You can call your mom, your sister/brother, friend and get an immediate response for whatever you are asking for but will you get THE ANSWERS you need from Him that way? I've learned recently that not only do we have to just stop and pray but we have to be still and listen for those answers.

You know the saying "Stop, Drop and Roll"...Yea, I think it's time we "Stop, Drop and Pray"

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

An email that blessed this Momma :-)

Hi Everyone,
 My apologies for being MIA again. I'm going to try really hard to not let so much time go in between my posts. With that being said I'm going to jump right on in to today's post. So for a while now my husband and I have been trying to figure out ways to help our son Joshua focus better at school. He will be 7 in a couple months but even as a baby the kid has always been very energetic. He is a very passionate boy but has tons of energy and sometimes that could work against him especially in school. Of course through the years we have heard terms like ADD and ADHD but we were warned by professionals that people are going to try and say he has that because of his energy. He is a boy and lets face it, most little boys don't sit still and read books all day. He wants to play, build Lego's, and play outside for hours. When we got to the elementary school level we were told that Joshua did have trouble focusing at times in subjects that he did not love. For instance, reading. That did not come easy to him and he is a lot like his momma. If he couldn't get it quickly he just got frustrated. I could totally relate, as I watched him over time I had to remind myself to pray and encourage him through it.
In the meantime we started to go to a Chiropractor to get regular adjustments for our overall health and for Joshua b/c I had been told to try it for his focus/concentration. After we had been going for a couple weeks I mentioned to our Chiropractor about Joshua's behavior at school and asked if there was anything we could do. Naturally. My husband and I were pretty adamant about trying everything we could before Joshua would ever go on medication. I'm NOT saying that is the right choice for everyone. Every parent and child are their own unit and need to make those decisions themselves. We just knew in our hearts Joshua was not going to just be put on meds for an easy solution to focusing. So we spoke to our Chiropractor about it and the first thing he asked was about his diet. Joshua is a very picky eater so I normally have to sneak in the fruits and veggies in foods he would normally eat. Like cauliflower in his scrambled eggs. He asked if Joshua ate/drank a lot of dairy. Interesting I thought in my mind, Yes his diet is about 75% dairy b/c it happens to be things he likes. That was the first problem...dairy! We were advised to take dairy out of his diet. I didn't even hesitate on this b/c I had heard someone else say it to me. The next day all the milk/cheese/eggs were finished and the entire family switched to Almond Milk and dairy free diets. I was shocked at how on board everyone was. My kids actually LOVE almond milk and don't even think twice about the switch. I'm not saying my kids won't have pizza on occasion or other foods with dairy but they won't be eating dairy on a daily basis anymore. We also have been juicing. It is incredible to see the juices my kids will drink. Joshua will drink apple/carrot juice right from the juicer each morning and head out the door. He is not even hungry like he used to be mid morning. His teacher has told me that. So we have now been doing this for about 2 months.
In addition to switching his diet we have also put him in Tae Kwon Doe..also recommended from another parent who's son is very similar to Joshua. This has been one of the best decisions we could have made. He loves it and does so well in class. He is focused, respectful and continues to want to try his best so he can test for his next belt. It is amazing what it has done for his confidence to. Amazing. 
I write all this to tell you that this morning I received and email from one of his teachers. His reading teacher which to be honest when I saw who it was from I was nervous. She told me she has seen an incredible improvement in Joshua's behavior and focus. His entire attitude towards learning has changed and she wants to know all the specifics to what we have been doing the last 2 months with him. She thinks it is something she could share with other parents so that they could give it a try. I jumped all over that b/c I would love to help other parents the way our Chiropractor and others have helped us. I was beyond thrilled to get this email today and I could not wait to forward it to our Chiropractor and call my husband at work. God just showed me in that email to keep pressing forward and do what we need to for Joshua..and Gianna for that matter.
I knew these changes would take effort on my part. Getting up extra early to juice for him, or running around more than normal to Tae Kwon Do 4 times a week..not b/c he has to but b/c he wants to go every chance his class is offered. For my child I'm willing to do anything. It is a blessing to have a husband who is right on board with all this and willing to do extra to make sure we do all we can for our kids. We have all noticed a huge difference in Joshua and I'm so thankful I reached out to ask others and got the help I did.
It is not easy raising children and it is not easy getting emails or calls every other week informing you that your child is struggling in certain areas. I knew Joshua could do the work but he needed to believe in himself and just focus.
We pray with Joshua and he falls asleep to Christian music every night. Those words soak in his brain as he falls asleep and he wakes up singing such joyous words. His whole attitude has changed. For this momma it has been a huge blessing to watching this transformation.
My mind is all over the place but hopefully you were able to understand. If you want to know more specifics to what we have been doing or have a child you would like me to pray for please do not hesitate to let me know. I am here to pray for you and for them! Try to not to get frustrated with your child. They are not meant to be cookie cutter and God made them exactly the way they are. Love them for who they are and just pray!

Thank you for reading and sharing in my excitement that came in that one simple email...changed my entire day :-)

Love and prayers,

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

When I say, "I am a Christian" Poem By Carol Wimmer

Love this poem...had to share with you!  There are many "Christians" our there, so just to clarify on the kind I am..all about Jesus, serving Him, loving others and NEVER coming off as though I'm better then anyone else. We are all sinners...I am saved by His grace and just striving to be a better me every day.


When I say, “I am a Christian”
I’m not shouting, “I’ve been saved!”
I’m whispering, “I get lost!
That’s why I chose this way”

When I say, “I am a Christian”
I don’t speak with human pride
I’m confessing that I stumble -
needing God to be my guide

When I say, “I am a Christian”
I’m not trying to be strong
I’m professing that I’m weak
and pray for strength to carry on

When I say, “I am a Christian”
I’m not bragging of success
I’m admitting that I’ve failed
and cannot ever pay the debt

When I say, “I am a Christian”
I don’t think I know it all
I submit to my confusion
asking humbly to be taught

When I say, “I am a Christian”
I’m not claiming to be perfect
My flaws are far too visible
but God believes I’m worth it

When I say, “I am a Christian”
I still feel the sting of pain
I have my share of heartache
which is why I seek His name

When I say, “I am a Christian”
I do not wish to judge
I have no authority
I only know I’m loved

Copyright 1988 Carol Wimmer